End of year holidays are quickly approaching with many thinking about books on their TBR list. I’ve read a couple of good books lately. There’s romance in both, but that’s not the book’s main genre. There are elements of heartache, family, friendship and mystery.

I know I’m late to the party, but I’ve only just finished It Ends with Us by Colleen Hoover. Admission here. I resisted buying it because domestic violence was a story element. However when I saw that it was listed in the top 100 best-selling novels in the US, I thought, gotta read this. And I’m pleased I did. The characters are beautifully described and I loved the device of Lily revealing her back story through her unsent letters to Ellen DeGeneres. Such an unusual story and then you get to the end and read the author’s notes to learn that a great deal of the storyline was influenced by her own life experience. I hope one day to write this well. Highly recommended.

Fantastic premise for a story starting with Alice, our protagonist, staring at the body of her dead husband – except it isn’t him.
Excellent first two acts exploring a relationship from two perspectives. There were so many warning signs that Alice kept ignoring.
I couldn’t put The Man She Married down, and kept rushing through all my daily life so that I could return to the world of Alice and Dominic.
However, I think that Act Three let the reader down as it whimpered to an ending. A few too many non-relevant scenes, reducing the fast pace, and I felt like the accident remained unresolved by the end. Still, I recommend the book.

Many thanks to those readers who purchased Over Byron Bay while it featured in a Book Bub Deal. Since I last wrote I’ve released An Extraordinary Wedding.
‘It’ll be a very simple wedding Mum. Nothing extraordinary.’
If only…
I’m trying hard to stay focussed and write a few books and then to release one each month, but I get so excited once the story’s told and the cover’s made. It’s just too hard to not press the publish button.
So please help holde me acountable for the next three action-adventure-romantic-suspense novels that I have on the go. The first one is tentatively titled Alone and is set in Tasmania, Australia.
The romance is between two contestants on a reality TV show where the person who lasts the longest in the wilderness, wins $250,000. Sound familiar? But in my story, one of them disappears. I openly admit that my inspiration came from watching the TV series, Alone, and that I may need to change the title to Away. We’ll see.
And the book after that is also a TV series inspired creation, along the lines of Farmer wants a Wife. I’m loving the plotting. Probably the best bit of the writing process.