Alone with a Tasman Tiger – Available Friday 27 September, 2024
A fight for domination in the Tasmanian bush, and on the sea during a high-profile yacht race has devastating consequences. Now it’s up to fashion designer Charlotte Harmon together with drummer, Galina Ivanov to follow the clues which will save their partners and stop the spread of a devastating weapon.

Read more about my inspiration for writing Alone with a Tasman Tiger here.
An Extraordinary Wedding is my latest female sleuth, love story.

The run up to any bride’s wedding should be a joyful time with bridal showers, honeymoon planning and rehearsal dinners. For Charlotte Wyatt, it’s not going to plan. Her fiancé is in lockdown, her mother doesn’t like her dress and her best friend can’t be there. She’s entangled in a tricky and complex situation with the bride-to-be of a client, who’s taken refuge in Charlotte’s fashion design studio while she considers cancelling their arranged marriage.
Then, an unexplained disappearance sends Charlotte on a frantic race.
A mystery and a romance with a healthy dash of suspense, culminate in a surprising start to a happily ever after. All set in the delightfully sleepy town of Bangalow in northern, New South Wales, Australia.
I love the smile on my reader’s face when they turn the last page
That’s my goal for every story.
A bit about me
I’ve a deep connection to the far north coast of New South Wales in Australia where my first novel Over Byron Bay is set. My great grandparents owned a farm a little way out of Byron Bay and grandparents a farm at nearby Mullumbimby.
I started writing Over Byron Bay in my last year at university in Lismore which is also located in the beautiful Northern Rivers area of New South Wales. For all the wannabe writers out there, let me report that it’s never too late to tell your story. It took 30 years for me to get Over Byron Bay written and published and I’m thrilled with my heart wrenching story of loss and love.
I write the songs…
I’ve just had a song I wrote, not surprising called ‘Over Byron Bay – I didn’t know I loved you’ recorded by the brilliant Rob Snarski of the Black Eyed Susans. It’s written from the perspective of Andrew Wyatt in Over Byron Bay. Read the story to understand the reasons for his regret and have a listen and let me know what you think.

I’ve travelled extensively and lived in some lovely locations around the world including London, Paris and Nice. Nice, in the south of France was home for over a decade so it’s perhaps not surprising that the Cote d’Azur as it is more commonly known, takes centre stage in my second novel Substitute Child. My heroine Charlotte Wyatt, visits London, Paris, Antibes, Cannes, Îles de Lérins and Monte Carlo on her journey to collect a bottle with a message inside. Her parents had thrown the bottle into the ocean off Byron Bay 20 years previously.
It’s a thriller romance.
It’s the story of a student on a journey to discover who she is and what she wants from life. It has fairy tale elements and lots of fun.
It’s also a wonderful travel story.
The south of France where a fair chunk of the story is set is beautiful. I love the deep blue of the Mediterranean Sea, the craggy rocky outcrops along the coastline and the orange, yellow and pink painted houses. I’ve prepared a slideshare presentation with enticing photos from these locations, and would encourage you to follow Charlotte’s journey. (Well most of it!)
I’ve also written the prequel to Over Byron Bay called Boy from Bangalow. Readers told me that they wanted to know more about what was happening at university between Andrew and Melissa. The main event is The Great Debate on the topic of The Pen is Mightier than the Paintbrush.

This book is offered for free to everyone who signs up to receive my monthly newsletter.
I currently live at Possum Creek just out of Bangalow in northern New South Wales in Australia, well I would if I could, rather than being the pen name of someone who’d prefer to remain anonymous.
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I live in Brisbane, a city in Queensland, Australia, which is located on the traditional lands of the Turrbal and Jagera people. These Aboriginal groups have a long history of connection to the land where Brisbane now stands. I take this opportunity to pay my respects to their leaders past, present and emerging.